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About Us

Unlock Your Global Potential

Capitalism is evolving. Our mission is to accelarate cross border collaboration between global communities that combine “purpose and profits”. We believe the companies of tomorrow will have the ambition for profits with the heart of a non-profit.

AllianceIndus is a United States based non profit thinktank that enables, project specific collaborations for sustainable initiatives aligned with the UNSDG (, towards creating more green occupations.

Enabling grants, forging strategic alliances, sovereign engagement, public-private partnerships and supporting initiatives with on-ground requirements is a key strength of AllianceIndus especially in the US – global south east corridor (GCC Saudi Arabia, UAE and the Indian sub-continent)

AllianceIndus has led high powered business and bipartisan policy delegations to countries like UAE, Saudi, India and the EU. Its leadership also hosts panels at prestigious universities.

Our engagement ecosystem includes global corporate leaders, heads of government, academia, technocrats, and thought leaders. Through partner foundations, AllianceIndus is engaged with fortune 500 companies, governmental verticals, and universities for convergence with the impact landscape in the global south east, especially the GCC (Saudi Arabia, UAE) and the Indian sub-continent.

AllianceIndus has a distinguished and formidable ecosystem of influential leaders in both policy and the corporate domains with significant impact in the sustainable landscape. Our teams ssek their guidance to create tailored solutions and actionable insights to navigate the constantly evolving and intricate SDG landscape.

Reach out to learn more about how we can help guide your sustainable initiative through the challenges and opportunities the evolving SDG landscape.


We envision a future where the convergence of digital globalization, the rise of emerging markets, and collaborative efforts towards the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) not only drives economic prosperity but also fosters the creation of green jobs on a global scale.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to catalyze a significant shift in the job market, particularly towards opportunities in green jobs and those aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) ecosystem. As AI continues to advance, industries are increasingly embracing sustainable practices and integrating technology to mitigate environmental impact. This transition not only necessitates a workforce skilled in AI technologies but also in sustainable development principles. From renewable energy to eco-friendly manufacturing processes, AI offers innovative solutions to address pressing environmental challenges. Consequently, the demand for professionals adept at leveraging AI for sustainable initiatives is expected to grow. This shift presents a unique opportunity for individuals to contribute to both economic growth and environmental stewardship, fostering a more sustainable and equitable future.

Recognizing the transformative potential of emerging markets such as China, India, Brazil, Africa, and the Middle East, we are committed to leveraging our expertise and resources to accelerate collaboration between sustainable development initiatives in these regions. Our vision extends beyond mere economic gains; it encompasses a deep commitment to environmental stewardship, social equity, and inclusive growth.

We understand that achieving sustainable development goals requires collaboration across borders, sectors, and industries. Therefore, we actively collaborate with like-minded organizations, governments, and communities to amplify our impact and drive positive change.

Central to our vision is the belief that better collaboration for SDG initiatives will not only accelerate progress towards our shared goals but also generate more green jobs at both ends. By investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, clean technology, and other environmentally friendly sectors, we aim to create employment opportunities that benefit communities while advancing our sustainability agenda.

Through our dedication to collaboration, innovation, and responsible business practices, we aspire to be catalysts for the creation of green jobs, driving economic growth while safeguarding the planet for future generations.

In essence, our vision is to build a more sustainable and inclusive world where collaboration for SDG initiatives leads to the creation of green jobs, unlocking new opportunities for prosperity and well-being for all.”


Mission: To create more green jobs through the empowerment of environment and climate-friendly sustainable initiatives aligned with the UNSDG goals. AllianceIndus strategically aligns opportunities within sectors that promote sustainability. Through enhanced cross-border impact investment collaboration between global communities, with a particular focus on regions such as East Africa, the GCC, and the Indian subcontinent, AllianceIndus facilitates the convergence of UNSDG goals and human resource realignment impacted by technology. By targeting regions relatively untouched by AI, where individuals can still upskill into green jobs, AllianceIndus not only assists in navigating the complexities of these regions but also emphasizes the importance of aligning initiatives with sustainable development objectives outlined by governing ecosystems of those regions. By offering insights into emerging opportunities in sectors such as renewable energy, eco-friendly manufacturing, and sustainable agriculture, AllianceIndus enables partners to drive positive environmental outcomes and contribute to the global SDG goals. Through workshops, seminars, and engagement with policymakers, AllianceIndus fosters knowledge-sharing and capacity-building initiatives, ensuring that partners are equipped with the tools and understanding needed to capitalize on sustainable development opportunities. Furthermore, by tracking and reporting on the progress of impact investments and advocating for policies conducive to sustainable development, AllianceIndus actively promotes collaboration towards achieving the SDGs within collaborative ecosystems.


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